Sunday 6 March 2016

How Do Client's React to E-mails

“The customer always come first”. That’s what every employee’s mindset is expected to be, and for a good cause. Clients are the heart and soul of every single company. They are essentially the reason why our jobs exist. it’s always best to be professional and straightforward when communicating with these people who have such a great impact on your career. Here are a few steps to consider when e-mailing clients.
1.       Use the subject line wisely. If you want to catch the attention of your client, create a short subject line that will mean something to them. You can include “URGENT” the title, but unless it really is an urgent matter it isn’t recommended since the client might think you’re wasting their time.
2.       Keep the e-mail short. Keeping the e-mail short ensures that only the important details are included and it will also keep the readers attention. No one wants to read a novel when they open an e-mail. Another tip is to use bullets to highlight important points.
3.       Never respond after hours. Unless the client makes it clear that they want to communicate with you after hours, most clients don’t want to deal with business affairs at home. It’s also not recommended to communicate with clients after hours because once a client knows that you’re available 24/7 they will take advantage of it. Once you clock out, you clock out (Hanson, 2014).
Overall, these points are very important when communicating with clients. Always keep them in mind so that you can put your best foot forward!


Hanson, A. (2014). 6 Golden Rules to Responding to Client E-mails. Retrieved from Communications Conversations:

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